Sunday, 20 February 2011

Part 3: My concerns were unfounded?

Unfortunately the cycle of me reporting problems and nothing being done about them continued throughout my employment at School X until I felt that I had no other option than to resign from my post. On doing so I wrote to the Head of School X, extracts of which I have quoted here:

‘Dear Head/Principle
I feel I had no option other than to resign from my post as assistant caretaker/ cleaning supervisor due to feeling unsupported and the attitude from the senior Site Officer MrX when reporting repairs or requesting information. Some of the repairs reported may have caused injury or ill health to Children or Staff of School X.  The main issues of concern that I feel need to be brought to your awareness and explored are:
I feel have been treated unfairly, I feel I have not been supported when I have raised issues about other staff.  (....)

I reported repairs following the Health & Safety regulations but few were if any acted on.    (....)

I feel I have never been given any support when raising issues Health & Safety with other staff.

I was never offered any training to do with fire/evacuation etc.

Putting children at risk due to lack of attention to (Health. Safety and Welfare) regulations 1992. (....)

I feel I was in an uncompromising position, I reported site repairs that may cause ill health or even injury to children or staff. I was told by the senior Site Officer Mr X on many occasions that he decides what priority for repairs is and when they are to be repaired. He often said it was not my concern anymore due to the fact I had reported it. I have documentation to prove the above. In his own handwriting, “one soap dispenser was fine”. This written statement by him concerned me immensely due to the fact that over 150-200 children or more per day have access to the toilets in question. This is only one example. (....)

The communication repair book was never acted on and on some occasions the pages were taken out of the book.  (....)

I communicated to you on one occasion the state of the girl’s toilet seats by the library area Lower site and asked for them to be seen by you.  The impression given was that these toilets were fine; and when asked again stated that the seats would be changed September 2009. I also spoke to you on a different occasion about the state of the toilet seats in both of the school sites. Senior Site Officer told me that there wasn’t any money for new toilet seats. I repeated this comment to you and was told that wasn’t true. I saw one new seat and it was never mentioned again after repeated requests in writing for them to be replaced.’
It took 4 months to get a reply, the relevant parts of which are quoted here:
‘Similarly, regarding the reporting of repairs, I need to stress to you that you fulfilled your role and responsibility diligently by bringing to the attention of your Line Manager and issues about which you had concerns. It was then the responsibility of Mr X to follow these up as deemed appropriate. Indeed, your accusation about Mr X’s lack of attention to Health and Safety regulations is unfounded. The Governing Body takes its responsibility very seriously, prides itself on having an extremely low incidence of Health and Safety issues and works tirelessly, in conjunction with the Local Authority, to ensure that the health and safety of our staff, students and visitors is paramount.’

My concerns were unfounded!?

The photos below were taken AFTER cleaning had been completed as thoroughly as possible. (I am not proud of having to have gathered evidence in this way)

Photo #1 - This toilet was left blocked for two weeks, for about 1 week or more it was full with waste to the top brim. Despite this, the toilets on either side of this cubicle were still being used. Please note- the sign on the door says 'out of order, please do not use' - Also please note that there is no lock on the toilet door, allowing children access to a waste filled toilet.

Photo #2 - This is one of four clean toilet seats. I scrubbed this toilet seat but it was so old and grubby that this was the best I could do – the damage was too severe.

Photo #3 – An example of a blocked toilet, found everyday. I had to find my own instruments unblock toilets, sometimes there may only be gloves available to do it (which I supplied myself). This toilet had been ‘cleaned’ by the contract cleaners.
Photo #4 - This was a fire escape ramp of a music room. If you look closely you can see where it has collapsed. This was reported but nothing done, I requested it to be taped off but wasn’t. A teacher was aware but from what they said, they would rather not get involved. – Surely another risk to the children?
Photo #5 - This is just the part of the ceiling, the whole ceiling was marked. These girl’s toilets had no lights, and had not had lighting since April. I discovered it in the October.

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